Who is NÓTT

Goddess of sleep, dreams and night

NÓTT is a prominent figure in Norse mythology, known as the goddess of sleep, dreams and night. She is a daughter of the primordial being Narfi (also known as Nörfi) and is often depicted as a powerful and mysterious entity associated with the night time and the dream world. In Norse cosmology, NÓTT's role was crucial in the cycle of day and night, as she would ride across the sky in her chariot, allowing the day to transition into night.

NÓTT's importance is also evident in her lineage. She is the grandmother of Thor, the thunder god, through her son Dellingr, who fathered Thor with the goddess Rindr. This lineage highlights her connection to powerful and significant figures in Norse mythology.

As the goddess of sleep and dreams, NÓTT was believed to oversee the dreams of mortals and influence the quality of their rest during the night time hours. She was often depicted in artwork and poetry, embodying the enigmatic and tranquil aspects of the night.

NÓTT the essence of rest, dreams, and the serene world of the night.